Investing: The 2020 Kickoff
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It’s a new year, and just like the numbers 2020, it’s time for another topic to see things clearer in The Wealth Standard podcast. In this first episode of a new season, Patrick Donohoe invites us to look forward to deep diving in investing. He outlines the season for us, giving a background on why he chose the topic and the structures of the episodes to come. As with Patrick’s mission throughout the past seasons, we’re all just after more freedom that will allow us to improve our satisfaction and meaning about experiencing life. He brings that into a whole new angle with investing. Tune in and get excited about the great and awesome learning ahead this 2020!
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Investing: The 2020 Kickoff
This is the first episode of our new season where we’re going to be talking about investing. I’m excited to outline the season, why I chose the topic, the structure of the episodes, what I have going on, which is going to be perfect for this specific topic. Also, the topic aligns well as a capstone in a sense of our previous five seasons. This kickoff episode will be relatively short and I’m excited to have the guests I have on. I’ve already done a few episodes. The conversations and the topics that I’m thinking through are going to be awesome. I can’t wait to learn right alongside you.
First off, let me take care of a few things. Thank you for your support for the 2019 season, specifically the support in the second season on entrepreneurship. That was a long season. There were many different episodes in there, a lot of different topics and tons of information. I want to make sure that you knew that the invitation to the Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within event is still open. You can still register. If you go to, Jeffery’s information is in there. He is the representative that I work with at the Tony Robbins organization. There’s a steep discount for all of the tickets. It’s going to be amazing. It’s in Northern California in March. For dates, information, get ahold of Jeffrey. It’s going to be an amazing event. I’m excited to meet you there. Those of you who have signed up. It’s an event that is powerful and it works well to what I’ve been talking about over the last couple of seasons. You are going to see some more language and topics. I can’t wait for that and we’ll definitely have a report from the event from my office as well as the audience.
Let me make sure you are tuned into how to download new episodes. If you’re new, you can subscribe to your app and it will auto-update the episodes, so make sure you do that. We also have a YouTube channel. Almost all, if not all of the episodes are videos. Go to our YouTube channel. Subscribe to the YouTube channel as well. It’s a great way to be notified of new episodes. Also our email list, we’re going to be a lot more proactive with our email and engage a lot more with you because I’d like this to be not just me speaking to you and conveying information as well as guests doing that, but vice versa. It’s you talking about your experiences with this theme, questions you have, comments you have and deals you’re working through. I’d love to have those questions and also your feedback so that we can talk about the things that are the most important to you.
You are your best asset. Share on XAnother reason why I chose to talk about investment is because of some of the events that I’m attending. I’m going to a business mastery event. I’m also going to an investment summit with a group that I had joined and invested with. They are mostly doing a startup type of investment in the energy sector, but they have an investment summit every year in Southern California. I’m excited to talk through that. These are not investments that I usually make. In fact, I’ve never made these types of investments and I consider it very speculative. The investment in part made sense to me because of the group that I got to hang around with. Not only am I invested financially, but also from a time standpoint and from a network standpoint, it’s a great opportunity. I can’t wait to learn from that event and then report back to you. I’m going to the finance event that Tony Robbins puts on for his Platinum Partners. It’s my second year going. The previous one was in a Whistler. This one’s going to be in Sun Valley, Idaho.
If you are new and haven’t watched the video series that I did, I think there are 3 or 4 episodes, please check them out on our YouTube channel. I went through and gave an overview of what I was learning and what was being said. I’m going to do the same thing with the one this coming February in Sun Valley. There are going to be a lot of people there, a lot of networking. I’m hoping to not just do solo episodes, but have some surprise co-hosts with regards to these events. It’s going to be busy months for me, but I’m excited to keep giving you information, teaching you and sharing with you ways in which you can get closer to your financial independence.

2020 Kickoff: What might be good and wise and prudent investment for one person may not be that for another.
Why investment? I chose investment or investing and all the subcategories: investment strategy, investment theory, philosophy, as well as wealth strategy. Why investment plays a role or should play a role? What is an investment? How to make a wise investment? What’s wise and not wise? Why is it wise for one person and not for the other? There are a lot of topics in there, but the objective was to have this as a capstone to our previous seasons. For those of you that are new, in 2018, I went on this path of life, liberty and the pursuit of property, which is a very famous saying from the 1700 from a man named John Locke who inspired the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” which is what most people are familiar with. I chose this topic because of how intrigued I was based on what John Locke meant by the rights of life, liberty and property.
We spent a season on life and looked at life as you are as your best asset. Liberty, the second season I perceived that as what everyone is after when it comes to wealth strategy, financial strategy, which is financial independence and freedom. The property, which I consider resources, is the physical world around us. As the human being interacts with the physical world, amazing things happen. In 2019, we spent an entire season talking about capitalism, which is the infrastructure from a societal standpoint that best houses those rights and allows human beings to capitalize on those and pursue interests in the smoothest way possible.
As the human being interacts with the physical world, amazing things happen. Share on XA guest that I wanted on but wasn’t able to make it happen due to some illness and health issues on his part was Hernando De Soto, who wrote a book called The Mystery of Capital. It’s an amazing read into the nature of the system in which people interact and how the system itself, the foundation, and the infrastructure facilitates or inhibits progress and prosperity. I’ll probably speak a little bit more about that whole idea and I’m hoping to still get him on the show. Those were the seasons. The last season was entrepreneurship, which is essentially the individual and what they can do to improve themselves and subsequently improve their financial situation by understanding the structure in which they operate capitalism as well as the rights of life, liberty and property.
There have been some incredible stories about what readers have been able to understand with regard to ways in which they can improve themselves to make more money in their profession or maybe you switch professions or maybe switched companies. Also, from a wealth strategy standpoint, how could they start to make investments, make wise choices when it comes to where they put their money? We’re going to expand on a lot of that because investment, in theory, is the end result of all of this. When you invest, you hope to get more than what you put in. From a financial standpoint, that’s getting more money back then you put in. From an investment standpoint, not everybody qualifies to use that definition because a lot of people lose money, then the majority of time, you have individuals who don’t know what they’re doing.
When you invest, you hope to get more than what you put in. Share on XWhenever there is a gain, it’s not because of anything that they did or understand. It just happened. I put that right in line and parallel to gambling. It’s one of those things where investment and the evolution of our society is interesting because there could be tons of opportunities and options. At the same time, what might be good and wise and prudent investment for one person may not be that for another. We’re going to talk through that and use examples because we’re not just going to talk philosophically about investment. I’m going to have investment providers on here. People that have a business in which they take money from other people and give them a return and how their business operates in ways in which you can do due diligence.
I’m going to have a Securities attorney here, who has been around a lot of private investments. He’s seen the good, the bad and the ugly. As you can probably imagine, there’s a lot more ugly than there is good. I look at the different topics and hopefully, that is going to allow you to understand business and investment at a higher level. Most importantly, it’s the purpose of investment. I look at the deep-seated perspective that the United States has, especially Americans when it comes to what their end results of investing, wealth management, wealth strategy, which is our retirement. I talked extensively in my book about the nature of retirement and how flawed it is. It’s a very difficult thing to do.

Heads I Win, Tails You Lose: A Financial Strategy to Reignite the American Dream
Planning and subsequently retiring is very difficult and risky as well. I look at the pursuit of financial independence, which we’re going to keep defining over and over again. It’s much easier and it can happen much sooner, and I believe it’s what people are after. I’m going to discuss that whole philosophy throughout the season. You look at most investment products and they support the theory that I’m talking about when it comes to retirement. If that’s what you subscribe to right then, there are tons of financial products out there that are designed for that end. If your pursuit is financial independence, financial freedom, then you have to look at how investments play into that different end result. We’re going to be talking about what financial independence is and expand on how to achieve that.
What are some of the criteria? It’s not the same for everybody because I believe financial independence is a mindset. Having certain things in place, whether it’s cashflow, working in a profession that’s meaningful and aligns with who you are and you’re continually growing and making a difference in other people’s lives. All those are components of it, but it’s going to be different for everyone based on where they’re at. We’ll get into that in much detail. I think 2020 is a pretty significant year. It’s the year of clarity and I’m hoping that you are starting out on a good footing.
My goal is to build upon the philosophical foundation that was established in 2018 and 2019. I believe that you, as an individual, are after ways in which you can improve your degree of independence. Money is a huge part of that. We’ve approached it philosophically. Now we’re going to get into the practical with regards to investment strategy. At the same time, I want you to step back a little bit and think through what I mentioned and hopefully take this into the next several episodes, which is what is the purpose of you making investment? What is the purpose of you working? What is the purpose of you continuing to want more? Where is that drive coming from? What’s the end result of it?
In the book that I wrote, Heads I Win, Tails You Lose: A Financial Strategy to Reignite the American Dream, I argue extensively that what we’re all after is more freedom and more independence. That is going to allow us to make decisions that are going to improve our degree of satisfaction and meaning with regards to life and our experience of it. I believe that you’re after that, I’m after that and I’m hoping that the dialogue, the discussions, the information that I go through with all of the guests as well as solo and with some surprise co-host, that reinforces what you want for yourself. I believe it’s possible. I’ve seen it many times. I realized that there are a lot of challenges that stand in the way of that.
Financial independence is a mindset. Share on XFirst and foremost, being the whole financial world is structured to help you retire. If you want to retire and you want to be financially independent, you have to rethink the investment choices and the financial products you’re using because it makes a huge difference. We’re going to get into a lot of that. I believe there’s no better time in history to gain clarity about your wealth strategy, your investments, your financial future. I believe the next years are going to be exciting because of everything that’s going on. There are many different innovations that are going to allow less work and more meaning. I also believe that with the Baby Boomer generation, the older generation, the amount of money that’s going to be transferring from one generation to another in the tens of trillions of dollars is going to shift how businesses operates.
It’s going to shift the demand for different goods and services. It’s going to shift where people are living and how they’re living. It’s going to shift employment. I believe that the disruption that’s going to happen is much needed. It’s an opportunity where you, as a good steward of your wealth, can take advantage of incredible opportunities to make money, start a business, join a force with another business, and to acquire another business. The sky’s the limit and I believe that what you want for yourself is possible. I’m going to focus on the information, the opportunities as well as answering the questions that you have working through some of the challenges you face in order for you to achieve those ends.
Thank you for reading this episode. It’s the introduction. It’s the kickoff. I’m excited to bring on the next couple of guests. In the first episode, our guest has been in the financial industry for a long time in a traditional sense. As you’ll see in the discussion, it shows you how inline people are. They are successful with some of the principles and things we’ve talked about in previous seasons. I had my good friend, Andy Tanner, on the second episode who brings an incredible perspective when it comes to money, financial freedom and financial education. From there, you’ll have to wait and see. Thanks for reading. I appreciate it. Thank you for your support. Make sure you bookmark the website, See you next time.
Important Links:
- YouTube – The Wealth Standard YouTube Channel
- The Mystery of Capital
- Heads I Win, Tails You Lose: A Financial Strategy to Reignite the American Dream
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