Financial Strategy

Todd Langford Series: Mathematics And Finance – An Introduction With Todd Langford

TWS 86 Todd Langford | Mathematics And Finance


quote by the Mathematical Association of America says, “It’s time for all members of our profession to acknowledge that mathematics is created by humans and therefore inherently carries human biases.” This intriguing statement makes us think what math is and its role in general. To help us answer these questions, Patrick Donohoe brings on Todd Langford in a series of episodes that revolve around the principles of math and how math specifically relates to finance. Todd is one of Patrick’s original mentors and the CEO and Founder at Numbers Analytic, Inc. Today, they discuss why most of the significant innovations resulted from accidents and also touch on the importance of mathematics and curiosity.  

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Todd Langford Series: Mathematics And Finance – An Introduction With Todd Langford

I’m going to introduce a series that’s going to begin. It’s going to be an episode per week. Short episode but it’s a snippet of a couple of long interviews that I did. Let me introduce the topic, subject and why. I came across a quote that led me down one of these philosophical paths. I had lots of breakthroughs and understandings of certain fundamental, simple things. I wanted to express that with you and expand upon it in a number of episodes. Who knows how long it will go for? I want you to understand the quote, at the same time, it led me to understand other things. The quote is by the Mathematical Association of America.  

It said, “It’s time for all members of our profession to acknowledge that mathematics is created by humans and therefore inherently carries human biases. It’s an interesting quote. I’ve stepped back and caused me to think about what math is. Did humans create it? Does math carry biasesIt’s an intriguing statement. I’m going to unpack it in a sense. As I began exploringI found out number one, there’s been this debate going on for quite some time between two campsThe intuitionist camp says that the human mind created math. There’s another camp called the Platonists who argue that math was a discovery of the human mind. I was reading and understanding both points of view. I realized that in the end, I’m not sure if it matters that much. 

Most of the significant breakthroughs came from accidents. Share on X

It caused me to question what the role of mathematics is in generalI wanted to explore it at a more practical level. What did it have to do with my life? What would it have to do with my profession? What would it have to do with anyone else’s lifeSome of the conclusions are math is a more objective way to evaluate a hypothesis or an assumption. Some simple examples, this comes down to the scientific revolution being able to prove and understand what goes on below the surface. What I mean by that is a surface observation or an assumption we can make is maybe based on how a child looks outside and sees the sun rising in the East and then going West, and it sees it again. You can reason the sun revolves around the Earth. 

You can see how these surface observations can lead to faulty assumptionsI was on a hike with two of my kids, my youngest son and my fourteen-year-oldWe got up to this peak, it’s on the East side of Salt Lake City. It was an amazingly clear day. You can see all the way across to the other side of the great Salt Lake. I thought of there, I can see why someone would assume that the Earth was flat. These general surface observations have been disprovenScience has disproven it because there was an assumption made. A person wanted to test that assumption and realized that it was false. Those are simple examples. That trend has gone on for quite some time and it’s led to an insane science of revolution and the miraculous life we get to live now.  

I look at math more objectively, I’m not going to say pure objectively with regards to math but more objectively, testing out an assumption or hypothesis. That’s where I realized I’m going to get down to some basic truths. This is what I came acrossI’ve come across this a couple of times, this thinking model called First PrinciplesElon Musk credits this way of thinking as to why he’s so successful with Tesla, PayPal, SpaceX, SolarCityyou list all the companies. He says that he finds opportunities using the First Principles thinking methods. Let me unpack that and relate it to the mission of the showThis thinking modelfirst principles, predated MuskThis was something that was maybe born during Aristotle’s times. It was used by Copernicus, one of the most famous physicists of our modern time, Richard Feynman, who’s deceased. His way of thinking, his books, you can see it there when you understand first principles. He also used it to understand the core of something.  

TWS 86 Todd Langford | Mathematics And Finance

Mathematics And Finance: People don’t want retirement; they want to be independent.


What is first principles? First principles essentially boils down a problem or an idea or assumption to the fundamental truth. From that fundamental foundational level, you reason up from there. Musk says that the way in which most people think is reasoning or thinking by analogy. How he describes that is people copy what other people are doing, and then they try do it with slight variation. They look at the activity, the solution something that other people are doing to solve a problem and make slight variations and tweaks to that. First principles goes to that deeper level. Instead of assuming the truth of the world is flat, you go to the deeper level to understand what is that fundamental core truth. Going back to the mission of the show, I’ve made a claim in the book I wrote in 2018. It’s also the purpose of the show and reasons why I have certain guests on is because I have the assumption that people want to achieve a meaningful life.  

I also have an assumption that people want to be financially independent. That’s the mission of the show, to empower people to those ends. It caused me to think. I realized something that, to me, this idea wasn’t born using this rational line of thinking. The financial services industry specifically financial planning, retirement planning is a multi-trillion industry, finance, personal development. Achieving these ends of financial independence and a meaningful life, I don’t believe that they’re wanting to achieve. I believe that these financial industries are pushing for this end result of retirement and being successful with the way in which you manage money until that point in time. This goes to thinking by analogyI don’t believe that retirement is what people want. They’re solving for retirement. This comes from experience working with people as a financial advisor. They don’t want retirement. They want to be independent.  

They don’t want to necessarily work in something they don’t like. That’s why they want to retire. They also would rather do other things than work all the time, which is why they want to retire. Financial independence is possible sooner than 65. It’s pushing this date out to 65 years old. I don’t believe that’s necessary anymore. I don’t even believe it was ever necessary. If you have this end result and you have this entire system designed around this end result, right then that narrative is going to continue and new entries into the system are essentially going to think by analogy and try to make improvements. Maybe it’s the mutual fund, the ETF or the asset allocation model. It’s still to the same end result but there are slight variations to it. I want you to you to consider that as a possibility of why you are managing your money. What’s the purpose? Why are you investing? Boil it down to the fundamental truth. What will that give you that you don’t have now? What problem will it solve? 

Once you can get clear about those end results, then you try to remove the constraints between where you are and where you want to go. What does this have to do with math? If math is a better way to evaluate rather than just by observation or by copying what somebody is doing and making a slight variation to it, it’s the measure of the evaluation of these assumptions. If you go to financial planning, investment planning, there are these surface level assumptions that are being made about rates of return, income, purchasing power, taxation. There are a number of things as far as assumptions being made in the financial services industry. I looked at have those claims been properly evaluated. This where I’m going to move to as far as this series is concerned. I am going to have on as a guest of mine, a man that was one of my original mentors, Todd Langford. He’s the developer of financial strategy, financial advising, financial planning software. He’s been doing that for many years on multiple systems and platforms. In general, he’s a good man. Also, he’s curious about life and an engineer at heart, wanting to know how things work, the truth behind how things function. Because of that, he’s done some pretty crazy, bizarre things.  

Ignorance in a particular field or idea allows you the ability to learn more. Share on X

He has these crazy multistage fireworks display and this big ranch that him and his wife, Kim, live on. He’s programmed this metal 3D printer laser cutters from his phone. Everything in his home, he has managed, programmed and automated. He built this massive solar complex that powers not just his house but other houses. He built the structure behind ithow the batteries worked and how the solar panels would be facing and the pitch of the roof. He’s a brilliant man. He understands the principles of math specifically how math relates to finance. To be able to evaluate at a more objective level the claims made about what money should be doing both the end result but also the methods to get to those end results. I hope you enjoy this series. The series will go on for most likely several weeks, several months. Who knows? Thanks for tuning in. I appreciate the support. We have some new stuff coming out, some tools that relate to this subject. Make sure you bookmark the website and also look out for some emails coming from us. Take care.  

Todd, first question I have for you is our relationship. You’ve always been a curious person. What’s the driving force behind that curiosity? How would you characterize that?  

I always like to see a different way of doing something. Kim relates it to my code and the way that fits in. Sometimes, one direction of answerI may not like the answer that I get, so I try to attack it in another way to see if those two come up the same. Where that differential is drives the idea somewhat of efficiencies. It’s pretty easy to get into a rut of, “This is the way it’s always been done.” In order to keep me from getting into that road of this is the way it’s always been doneI tend to try to do it a different way.  

What do you discover in the process? Let’s say you find that it’s been done this way. That way is inefficient, inaccurate, it could be done a better way. What happens in the experience of that discovery?  

TWS 86 Todd Langford | Mathematics And Finance

Mathematics And Finance: When you don’t like the answer you get, try to attack it in another way to see if those two come up the same.


Often, ignorance in a particular field or idea allows you the ability to learn more. It allows you to innovate a lot easier because you’re not smart enough to be on the path of what somebody’s already discovered. If you look at history on innovation, most of the significant breakthroughs came from an accident. The reason they came from an accident is because the tried-and-true way that everybody had always done something was limited on how far it could go. When they made a mistake, they figured out it’s not that what we were doing is wrong. It’s that our thought process was off base. We have to shift our mind and thinking into a place. It’s difficult to get out of the box that you’ve created for the way things have always been.  

Since those accidents occur from the outside, I find myself a lot of times seeing things that you’ve always heard were true but maybe they’re not. When you dig pretty deeply on things, you find that the label professionahas an interesting connotation. These are mainly the people that are considered professionals. They’re supposed to be the ones that know it all but a lot of times you find out it’s just that they know a little bit more than everybody else does. If you dig a little bit deeper, sometimes you find out maybe they don’t know everything that’s there. I found some of that out. You mentioned about the solar project. As I was going through some of the solar stuff, I would come up against peopleI would question them like, “Can I do this? They said, That won’t work.” I would back it up and say, Here’s the math. Follow me with the math behind what we’re talking about doing. They’d look at it and there’d be this pauseI was like, “That could work.” The only way I could find that was doing it because nobody would give me a definitive answer. 

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About Todd Langford

TWS 86 Todd Langford | Mathematics And FinanceTodd Langford is the Founder & CEO of Truth Concepts, Partners 4 Prosperity, and Prosperity Economics Advisors.






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Seeking The Uncertainty You Can Comfortably Live With

TWS 76 | Uncertainty


The great Tony Robbins once said, “The quality of your life is in direct proportion to the amount of uncertainty you can comfortably live with.” But up to what extent is it comfortable? How do you measure the amount of uncertainty you can handle in life? In this episode, Patrick Donohoe shares a breakthrough that had him realize the ways we all are seeking uncertainty in life just as much as certainty. He tells us about some of the reflections that occurred to him on what we need to do in order to take in more without reaching beyond the limits of how much uncertainty we can live with, most especially when it comes to our finances. 

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Seeking The Uncertainty You Can Comfortably Live With

Thank you for tuning in. I’m excited to be with you. I’m grateful for your support. I’m excited to share with you some things that have been on my mind that have impacted the way I’ve viewed my life, my financial life, viewed financial life of clients that I have. I’m excited to share that with you. As a side note, there has been a group that is advertising and marketing underneath the #TheWealthStandard and they’re promoting different courses and other things, this is not us. This is not me. Please, if you have come across them, we’re reporting them, doing some cease-and-desist stuff. We’re on top of it but we wanted to let you know that’s going on. There are some people who have purchased some of their material that is associating the reason to this show, which is not true. This is not our group. This is not us, so please be cautious.

I’m excited because I had this breakthrough and the breakthrough occurred in a software training that I host every year, at least I have for the last few years. It’s Financial Advisor Facing. I’ve gone and participated in this training many times. It’s also something I’ve felt strongly about hosting here at my office so that my team can participate in it. In 2020, it was different because of COVID and quarantine, so the majority of it was live but it was virtual. Nonetheless, I had some thoughts that I hadn’t had before. It starts with a quote that I learned from Tony Robbins. I’m not sure if he is the author of this quote. He’s the author of some pretty amazing quotes. This is an amazing quote but he also uses quotes by others as well.

This quote says that, “The quality of your life is in direct proportion to the amount of uncertainty you can comfortably live with.” Uncertainty in his words is a need that we have. He believes we have six human needs. Certainty is the first one. Uncertainty is the second. It’s a contradiction there. You also have significance, love and connection, growth, contribution. These needs that we have, one of them being uncertainty is that we want variety in life, adventure, we want new. We want different. If everything was the exact same thing, we ate the exact same thing, we wore the exact same thing, we did the exact same thing every single day, life would suck.

We're all seeking uncertainty. Share on X

At the same time, we want a degree of certainty. The uncertainty side of things is the new movies you get to watch, the new clothes you get to buy, the vacation you get to go on or the new place you get to visit, the new car that you have, a new experience, skydiving, bungee jumping, scuba diving. The uncertainty is this adventure. It’s doing things that are new and exciting. Comfortably live with, that’s a very interesting word and this is where the epiphany is.

This school I go to, this training, the software program that we put on is called Truth Training. It uses a software program called Truth Concepts. I first learned about this software during this 2009, 2010 period of my life, where it was a very vulnerable time in my life. I was in the middle of getting crushed by the 2008 and 2009 timeframe where I almost went out of business. I almost went bankrupt, lost my family. It was very challenging. It was a scarce point in my life where I was afraid. I lacked certainty. I had way too much uncertainty going on.

That is what I pushed. Truth Concepts is geared around validating the financial product, financial strategy claims. It’s objectively looking at scenarios whether it’s a mutual fund, a piece of property, an alternative investment, it doesn’t matter. It’s objectively analyzing it so that you can see between the lines, the fluff of a sales pitch and understand what’s truly going on. It was humbling. It gave me not only a realization of how individuals are making investments and planning their life financially but also gave me confidence in what I was doing.

TWS 76 | Uncertainty

Uncertainty: Improving the foundation of certainty that you have with your financial life will allow you to experience even more uncertainty than you currently experience.


It was right. It was beneficial. It helped people. It started to help me as well. It gave me more certainty. This is the realization that I had at a much deeper level is if uncertainty is what is required to have a higher quality of life, if it’s not balanced out with certainty, it puts you in this position of not comfortable living with uncertainty. You’re uncomfortably living with uncertainty. In essence, improving the foundation of certainty that you have with your financial life will allow you to experience even more uncertainty than you experience.

Going to human needs, these driving human needs that we have most are not aware of those. I’ve been aware of them for quite some time. It doesn’t mean that I understood them. I continue to understand how those needs manifest in me whether it’s the degree of certainty that I’m looking for, it’s the degree of uncertainty that makes me feel alive and excited and gives me that adventurous experience of life. There’s also the need for significance, the thing that allows us to understand that we bring value to the world. There’s also the need for love and connection but there’s also a need for growth.

There’s also a need for contribution, which is giving back, being of value, of service to others. As we look at where we’re getting these needs, one of the big things I’ve learned in my personal development is to strategically position myself so that it’s not this random way in which I’m meeting needs. It’s not this random impulsive behavior that has me doing this, that and the other, and hopefully getting what I want in the end but it’s strategically doing it.

What gave rise to more people wanting to invest is the dream of doubling and tripling a return and what that would mean to their life. Share on X

That’s where in addition to revisiting this software, how financial products work, the combination of financial products and how taxes and inflation and other impacts other financial influences out there give either rise to the claims that are being made or in question the claims that are being made. It allowed me to step back and ask myself the question, “What are our people after?” The driving force behind human behavior is these needs.

As much as I was in this training, there was also a lot of buzz and excitement with regards to what was going on Wall Street, mainly in a few different companies, GameStop, AMC, where you had a group on Reddit and other influence that were combining efforts of retail investors and influencing the rise of certain stocks, which squeezed out those who were short-selling those stock, which are mainly hedge funds. There’s lots of buzz. There was lots of excitement. There was lots of adventure there.

A lot of people made a lot of money but as you can guess, the excitement and buzz led to a lot of people losing money. In the end, what I wanted to do with this very short episode is highlight the fact that we’re all seeking uncertainty. What gave rise to more people wanting to invest was that dream of doubling and tripling, 600% return of what that would mean to their life. It’s exciting. You also had those that were driven by this unbridled control of their behavior and lost money.

The lesson and the connection I made is there are things that are going to pull me, pull you toward adventure, excitement. I believe that degree of certainty that you have as your foundation will allow even more of that. Unfortunately, that’s not the case with everyone but those that understood this principle, whether it’s using the words that I’m using to describe it or using others. If there was a foundation of certainty, certain things that you can count on whether it’s cashflow, your profession, your business, your liquidity, the financial products you have that did provide certainty of outcome or the highest degree of certainty for that outcome, these bets, these risks made you feel alive but did not take you out of the game.

TWS 76 | Uncertainty

Uncertainty: You can experience more uncertainty, adventure, and excitement in your life when you improve the quality of the degree of certainty that you have.


That’s my breakthrough is before, I was very prone to creating more certainty and more certainty in my life but not equating that certainty to the amount of uncertainty that I could experience. I don’t get a big rise by making those types of bets in the market. That’s just me. I like to have experiences with my family. I like to make bets in my business as far as trying this thing, trying that thing, developing software, developing a course, developing ways in which I can create more value for clients. That gives me a lot of excitement.

Because I have a degree of certainty that backs me, I’m allowed to push more and more of the limits that were in place previously. I encourage you guys to do the same thing. Don’t let your impulses, your passions be a quilt, strategically position yourself to take advantage of those. That’s what gives us this higher quality of life. However, the positioning is where you create whether it’s financial education, it’s a degree of certainty and the financial products that are at the foundation of your financial life, whatever the case may be. Just look at that, it’s a balance. You can experience more uncertainty, more adventure, more excitement in your life when you improve the quality of the degree of certainty that you have. That’s it. Stay tuned for a couple of episodes that you guys are going to enjoy that are forthcoming. Go out and create some value, have an amazing life. We’ll see you next time.

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