Patrick Donohoe

What is Money, Really?

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Money has become a very popular topic, especially as of late. Considering we as an international community are trying to pull out of a global recession, there is nonstop news about struggling economies, the Euro-zone crisis and the US fiscal situation. 24 hour news stations, newspapers, podcasts, radio shows, you name it…we are being bombarding with anything and everything that has to do with money.

Often it seems that money – what it represents, how it is created and why we even use it – is enigmatic. Examples of this can be seen every day in the news media and public opinion.  There seems to be a very wide range of thought and belief about what money is and how it should be controlled, created, handled and used.  Patrick Donohoe of Paradigm Life and Brad Gibb, MAcc discuss many of these topics when discussing: What is money, Really?

Useful Links:

International Monetary Fund

Federal Reserve

Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)

For more information about Paradigm Life and Infinite Banking, visit our resources page or contact us at or by phone at 1-800-870-8670.

Analysis of the Real Estate Market and the Economy

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We live in a unique time. We have seen unprecedented uncertainty in the economy and the real estate market over the past several years. Housing and real estate is an integral part of life and the economy in the United States and it can be difficult to understand what is going on and why. Jonathan Day, Owner and CEO of Turn Key Real Estate Partners,  joined Patrick Donohoe to discuss what is happening in the housing and real estate market, how it has effected the economy and where we are headed.

To learn more about Turn Key Real Estate Partners visit their website –

For more information about Paradigm Life and Infinite Banking, visit our resources page or contact us at or by phone at 1-800-870-8670.

Cash Management Strategies

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The Real Estate Guys Radio Show hosts Robert Helms and Russell Grey took the time in one of their latest shows to cover Cash Management Strategies for Real Estate Investors. This is an important topic because of the current liquidity issues the real estate market has experienced and the lack of solid benefit-rich locations to place real estate reserves. Patrick Donohoe of Paradigm Life joined the hosts to discuss howpermanent insurance and Infinite Banking could be a solution to these issues.  In the interview many of the benefits (Tax Benefits, Liquidity, Safety just to name a few) and uses of this strategy were discussed.

Be Your Own Bank – Cash Management Strategies for Real Estate Investors

“Being a real estate investor means handling a lot of cash. It may not seem that way, especially at first, but think about it.  There’s the float on the cash flowing through your bank account.  Then there’s the cash you maintain and build up to handle contingencies and long term maintenance.  You have deposits you collect and hold for tenants.  Let’s not forget about the growing “Opportunity Fund” you’re stockpiling until the next great deal comes long.  And when you sell or refinance, there may be a BIG pile of cash flowing through your account on it’s way to its next mission.” –

“Simply put, our guest Patrick Donohoe has opened up our eyes and minds to a completely unorthodox way to manage cash.  Only it isn’t some wacko unproven idea.  It’s something that the biggest cash managers on the planet, like Bank of America, Wells Fargo and J.P. Morgan Chase have been doing for years.  And it’s something we would have never thought of without Patrick’s help.

Without giving away the story, here’s the idea:  There’s a financial vehicle out there that enjoys very favorable tax treatment by virtue of being attached to another very old and time tested financial vehicle (hint: it’s not a bank account).

It works kind of like a line of credit secured by a property.  Remember those?  You could borrow against your equity at a low rate, use the money for whatever you wanted, then put it back whenever you wanted.  And then you could take it back out again, anytime you wanted, without prior approval.  Ahhh, those were the good old days!  (hint: it’s not a mortgage).” –

To read the full blog post from The Real Estate Guys Radio Show visit their

Baby Boomers: Take Control of Your Financial Future

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Patrick Donohoe, Trever Keele (D.D.S. MBA) and Brad Gibb (MAcc) have a round table discussion about the current state of the economy, Infinite Banking and the effect of Baby Boomers on our society today and in the future.

Great insight and perspective is given from the different backgrounds of the podcast participants – Trever Keele (D.D.S. MBA)  is a practicing dentist, Brad Gibbb (MAcc)  works in the accounting field, and Patrick Donohoe with knowledge of economics and insurance products helps round out the discussion. Find out why it is more important than ever to start taking control of your financial future.

Learn how Infinite Banking can help you take a different route in recouping lost interest costs and opportunity costs.

How Does the Current Tax Structure Affect Your Investments?

Listen to the podcast here:


Chris Anderson of Soulence Tax and Accounting and Patrick Donohoe discuss many of the issues business owners, real estate investors, and Americans face with the current tax structure.  With the current tax environment it is vitally important to stay up-to-date on how the tax code will change to your benefit or detriment.  Chris and Patrick also discuss how Infinite Banking can offer vital tax benefits to those who structure and utilize the Infinite Banking Concept properly; this includes everyone from business owners and real estate investors to the average American.

Take the initiative and learn the benefits of Infinite Banking and how it can have a positive affect on your present and future financial situation – visit our website for more information.

Don’t let your future tax situation surprise you.  Learn from tax expert Chris Anderson from Soulence Tax and Accounting (  Chris also offers a CD program called Tax Secrets Revealed: A guide to saving thousands on taxes ( which covers topics such as:  allowable deductions, little known tax deductions and how to avoid paying excess tax.

For more information about Paradigm Life and Infinite Banking, visit our resources page or contact us at or by phone at 1-800-870-8670.