
Pat Talks With Author & CEO Tom McMakin / Liberty, Episode 7

Tom McMakin is CEO of Profitable Ideas Exchange (PIE), a leading provide of business development services for consulting and professional services firms.  Tom is the author of Bread and Butter, a critically-acclaimed book that describes his work at Great Harvest Bread Co and how he and his team created a nationally recognized corporate learning community and culture of best practices using collaborative networks.

He has appeared on the pages of Fast Company, Inc. Magazine, Newsweek, Business Week and The Wall Street Journal!

Patrick Talks With John Tamny of FreedomWorks / Liberty, Episode 6

Patrick Donohoe welcomes John Tamny to the Wealth Standard for Liberty, Episode-6!

John is the Director of the Center For Economic Freedom at Freedom Works.  He’s also the Editor of Real Clear Markets, and a Senior Economic Advisor to Toredor Research and Trading.

His latest book, The End Of Work, was released in May. John contends that the definition of “work” is rapidly evolving.  Today, more and more people are able to showcase their unique skill and intelligence in the market place.

Patrick and John also discuss the common fear that robots and automation are going to create massive unemployment.  Does John agree with this fear?  Listen now to find out!

Living and Working Overseas With Lief Simon / Liberty, Episode 5

Nobody embodies the concept of “Liberty” better than Lief Simon.  He’s currently the editor of the Off Shore Living Letter and Simon Letter.

Lief has lived and worked in 7 countries on 5 continents and has traveled to more than 60 countries. His real estate investing experience began in 1995 with a multi-unit building in Chicago. After selling that building for a total return of more that 1,800 percent in just 30 months, Lief began to diversify internationally.

In the decades since, Lief has personally bought and sold property in 23 countries. Over the years that he’s been living overseas, he has also been actively engaged in launching business ventures in 10 countries, including local businesses, web-based business and international franchises!

In this episode, Patrick and Lief talk about the joys and challenges of living and working abroad.  It’s not as hard as you think!

Patrick Talks With Tech Entrepreneur Ben Way! / Liberty, Episode-4

Patrick welcomes Ben Way to The Wealth Standard Podcast for Liberty, Episode-4!

Ben is a serial entrepreneur, start up guru & best selling author who’s probably best known for his appearance on the TV shows Secret Millionaire, The Start Up Kids and Start Ups: Silicon Valley.  He started his first company at age 15, was a millionaire by 17… and then he lost it all.

He currently runs a crypto / block chain company called Digitzs IO as well as several other other tech based start ups!

Together, Patrick and Ben discuss how economic pressure and uncertainty fuel technology and force companies to think outside of the box and innovate.

How Much Control Does The Government Have Over You? / Liberty – Episode 3

Connor Boyack returns to The Wealth Standard for Liberty, Episode – 3!

Connor is the Founder & President of a libertarian public policy, think tank called Libertas.  He’s also the author of the popular childrens book series, “The Tuttle Twins”.

Patrick & Connor are old friends that spend this episode talking about the principles of liberty, the golden rule, & the importance of remembering that the people control their elected officials and the government… NOT the other way around!