The Wealth Standard

How The Volatility In 2017 Will Create More Opportunities – Episode 177

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As we wrap up 2016 host Patrick Donohoe and co-host Chunga sit down and talk about the disruptions, changes and turmoil we faced in politics and finance. They share insights about some of the opportunities in front of us in 2017.

Tune it to our weekly shows on YouTube and Tunein!  We also love to receive your feedback, thoughts, and comments on Twitter, Facebook, and the iTunes store. Or, you can email us at

Links & Resources from this Episode:

Show Notes

00:00 Introduction
02:25 Disruption is painful but change is good
03:29 Why we must be willing to let go of the past
05:05 How Patrick handled past hardships
08:34 Change is inevitable especially in politics and finance
09:11 Interview with Todd Tresidder Episode 176
10:28 What to do in the first quarter of 2017
12:20 How the volatility in 2017 will create more opportunities
14:50 Patrick’s goals for 2017
19:00 Announcing Patrick’s book coming out this year

Retirement Strategies with Todd Tresidder – Episode 176

Listen to the podcast here:


In this episode your host Patrick Donohoe talks with Todd Tresidder at Todd shares passive investing retirement strategies to prepare for the fear of the unknown.

Tune it to our weekly shows on YouTube and Tunein!  We also love to receive your feedback, thoughts, and comments on Twitter, Facebook, and the iTunes store. Or, you can email us at

Links & Resources from this Episode:

Show Notes

00:00 Introduction
01:15 Todd Tresidder sharing his background
03:19 Transitioning from hedge fund to the information space
06:16 The objective of Financial Mentor
11:27 How technology is disrupting the marketplace
17:13 Why the bailout created more risk
18:53 There’s investing and then there’s wealth building. Investing always has risks and some are known and some unknown.
21:00 Todd explains the 4 aspects to investing
23:44 Talking about passive investing and retirement
27:50 Retirement and meaningful work during retirement
30:35 Preparing for the fear of the unknown
32:53 Cal Newport’s podcast interview about the Myth of following your Passion
35:00 How you can create the life you really want
37:30 It’s not about the amount of resources that exist but our ability to be resourceful

Chunga and the Creature from Jekyll Island – Episode 175

Listen to the podcast here:


Your host Patrick Donohoe sits down with co-host Chunga and share a first hand account of what happens at Jekyll Island and the warning signs we should watch out for with the upcoming Trump policies. Together they talk about the Federal Reserve and what we might expect from Janet Yellen’s announcements.

Tune it to our weekly shows on YouTube and Tunein!  We also love to receive your feedback, thoughts, and comments on Twitter, Facebook, and the iTunes store. Or, you can email us at

Links & Resources from this Episode:

Show Notes

00:00 Introduction
00:50 Update on what’s going to happen with Janet Yellen and the federal banks and much more
01:49 Trump has already made sweeping changes – what else should we expect?
03:36 Is consumer confidence on a long term high or is this a temporary spike?
05:00 Why the fed makes a larger impact than the President
07:03 The Creature from Jekyll Island
10:20 How the Federal Reserve controls the supply of money in the entire world
11:15 How the Federal Reserve creates assets
15:51 Patrick describes how prime works
17:45 Alternative wealth building strategies
19:14 Homeownership is at a 50 year low and how it will affect the marketplace
21:14 The effects of Trump policies with our country debt and current structure
28:23 Warning signs to watch for with Trump policy finances
35:55 The new school thought of business creation vs old school inflation
41:43 Learn more about the Fed at Mises Institute and FEE

Gratitude and Money – Thanksgiving Episode 174

Listen to the podcast here:


There’s no better time than now to follow the principle of wealth of using yourself to create value for somebody else. With the shakeup of the elections and the disruptions in the economy we are blessed with the opportunity to get outside our comfort zones and grow, forgive and lead with gratitude. Thanks for listening to the show and have a great Thanksgiving.

Tune it to our weekly shows on YouTube and Tunein!  We also love to receive your feedback, thoughts, and comments on Twitter, Facebook, and the iTunes store. Or, you can email us at

Links & Resources from this Episode:

Show Notes

00:00 Introduction
01:07 Watch the show on our YouTube channel
03:32 How gratitude applies to money
07:49 Why it’s critical to have the people in your business and life
13:22 The Principle of Wealth – Using yourself to create value for somebody else
15:30 The role of empathy as a leader and clear communicator
18:02 What people really want!
20:08 Learning comes from disruption and being uncomfortable
25:24 The exercise of taking a snapshot of progress
29:54 Making course corrections to increase gratitude
32:46 No growth happens inside the comfort zone
34:02 What to do in this major disruption
40:50 Overcoming the ego and helping others
43:41 Steve Jobs story about friction creating opportunity
47:53 The solution is typically the opposite of what you would think

The Economic Impact of Trump’s Win – Episode 173

Listen to the podcast here:


Right now we are facing the greatest disruption and change in America and especially in the financial world. Your host Patrick Donohoe and co-host Chunga sit down and talk about the future of our economy with President Trump, the opportunities ahead and pitfalls to avoid.

Tune it to our weekly shows on YouTube and Tunein!  We also love to receive your feedback, thoughts, and comments on Twitter, Facebook, and the iTunes store. Or, you can email us at

Links & Resources from this Episode:

Show Notes

00:00 Introduction
00:45 The terrifying story of being in Mexico election night
05:07 Today’s topic: The Economic Impact of Trump’s Win
06:30 When there’s disruption that’s when change happens
07:12 Similarities between Trump and Reagan
08:35 What’s going to happen with Trump as President?
09:27 What’s happening with the bond market
12:06 Shocking turn: The market is hitting record high closings
13:10 The worst thing to do is be caught up in the emotions of your disappointment
13:21 OODA Loop thinking
15:40 Income vs cost of living is below levels in 1975
20:12 It doesn’t matter who won. You need to 1. Observe 2. Orient Self 3. Make Decisions
24:36 The new information that’s created in one day would take a lifetime to consume
25:27 Today there are more opportunities than ever
27:56 There would be less panic if more people studied history
31:56 Why now is the time to be more pliable and innovative
34:10 Reasons why Patrick is choosing to grow his company with market uncertainty