
Patrick Talks With Author Harry Dent / Life – Episode 6

Change and correction are a part of life… Nothing is sustainable forever, right? Harry Dent is often referred to as “The Contrarian of Contrarians”!  He’s written several books & is the founder / Editor in Chief of Dent Research.

A Chat With Author & Financial Pioneer Neale Godfrey / Life – Episode 5

Episode 5 focuses on the drive that each of us has to do something fulfilling, something that pushes you to evolve and change not only your life, but the lives of others, for the better.

Neale Godfrey is a prime example of that drive! She’s written 30 books, was one of the first (if not the first) female executives at Chase Bank, she’s been guest on Oprah a few dozen times, and is the Chairman of The Children’s Financial Network.

Neale became a pioneer for women in finance in the 1980s, and opened the world’s first children’s bank at FAO Schwarz in 1988.  This bank became so popular, The late Princess Diana once brought her young sons, William & Harry, in to set up accounts!

The Mirror Strategy / Life – Episode 3

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In “Life” Episode -3, Patrick Donohoe talks strategy!

Recently, Patrick was a presenter at Jason Hartman’s “Meet the Masters” event in La Jolla California.  One of the concepts Patrick spoke about was called “The Mirror”.

The concept of The Mirror is fairly simple.  It focuses on the financial statement of the individual, and how that statement is basically a mirror of that person.

How can you use the mirror concept to increase your quality of life, and leverage your greatest asset?  Listen now to find out!

Key Takeaways:

4:45: The Mirror

12:15: Is your “on the job” experience something you can leverage in different industries?

21:00: One of the oldest financial strategies

34:40: The importance of company culture

35:45: What makes you who you are today?

37:50: Heads I Win!  Tails You Lose!

More about this episode:




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“What Is Your Aim?” / Life – Episode 2

Listen to the podcast here:


What is your aim?  How will you achieve goals while pursuing Life, Liberty, & Property?

Patrick Donohoe goes solo in episode 2 of “Life” to talk about the necessity of your aim!  Sure, it’s kind of an ambiguous term, but “aim” is absolutely vital when it comes to creating a better quality of life for you and your family.

Patrick also takes some time during this episode to discuss a book, written by Napoleon Hill that a had a major impact on his life both professionally and personally.

Key Takeaways

4:46: The modern definitions of life, liberty, & property.

6:41: This months book.

12:03: The definite, chief, aim.

17:35: What percentage of the worlds population is drifting aimlessly through life?

19:50: 120-day goal setting

31:30: The importance of joining a mastermind group.

More About Episode 2

Who was Napoleon Hill?

The Perfect Day Formula

Daily Greatness Journals

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2018 Kicks Off With Author & CEO Garrett Gunderson “Life” Episode – 1

Listen to the podcast here:


2018 has arrived & The Wealth Standard is going to spend the entire year celebrating the principals of life, liberty & property.

Our first, 120 day season is called “Life!”

To kick this season off, Patrick Donohoe is pleased to welcome his long time friend and colleague Garrett Gunderson; he’s an author and the CEO of Wealth Factory.  Garrett refused to give up on his dream even after his two partners were killed in a plane crash.

Together, Patrick & Garrett discuss what it means to have a fantastic quality of life & pursue what John Locke called the American dream of life, liberty & the pursuit of property.

Key Takeaways:

1:46: The idea of the American dream

4:33: What was it that made Garrett so passionate about what he does for a living?

11:00: Challenging the concept of retirement.

23:00: Are human beings naturally entrepreneurial?

29:00: Is is necessary for young people to continue to pay for higher education?

40:00: How can people control their own pursuit of life, liberty & property

More about this episode:



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