“What Is Your Aim?” / Life – Episode 2

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What is your aim?  How will you achieve goals while pursuing Life, Liberty, & Property?

Patrick Donohoe goes solo in episode 2 of “Life” to talk about the necessity of your aim!  Sure, it’s kind of an ambiguous term, but “aim” is absolutely vital when it comes to creating a better quality of life for you and your family.

Patrick also takes some time during this episode to discuss a book, written by Napoleon Hill that a had a major impact on his life both professionally and personally.

Key Takeaways

4:46: The modern definitions of life, liberty, & property.

6:41: This months book.

12:03: The definite, chief, aim.

17:35: What percentage of the worlds population is drifting aimlessly through life?

19:50: 120-day goal setting

31:30: The importance of joining a mastermind group.

More About Episode 2

Who was Napoleon Hill?

The Perfect Day Formula

Daily Greatness Journals

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One comment on ““What Is Your Aim?” / Life – Episode 2

  1. Adetola says:

    Hi Patrick,
    I just want to say great job for all that you do. I get so much value from your podcasts whenever I get the chance to listen to them. Keep up the brilliant job!

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